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What is Tobesia?

Spin-Off of the University of Catania.

Tobesia is a digital ecosystem that facilitates the interaction between the patient who wants to treat obesity and the team of professionals who follow them.


Digital tools can change the relationship between the patient and health

Tobesia is the e-health solution that makes healthcare services more efficient through innovative technologies: Web&Mobile, BigData, IoT, Wearable Tracking, IA.

Tobesia’s Goals

Do you have the right motivation to react?

Do you have time and ability to organise yourself?

Do you have the strength not to fall again?

Therapeutic plan

With Tobesia you will be able to manage the therapeutic plan that your specialists will assign to you.

Nutrition plan

Personalized nutrition and healthy eating at your fingertips. Tobesia helps you adopt nutritious diets that fit your lifestyle and taste.

Physical training plan

To start a new active lifestyle, build healthy habits, lose weight, get fit, tone up, and feel amazing

Human coach

Our users are matched with our team of human coaches to help guide them along their health journeys and provide the support needed to achieve their goals.

Sleep monitoring

Tobesia is your personal sleep cycles monitor, snore recorder, and sleep sounds provider. You can find whatever you wish to know about your sleep patterns, check out your snoring and dream talks, and customize the smart alarm to relieve sleep issues and aid your sleep.


We know the weight loss journey can be hard. Here’s how we can make it a little easier.

Tobesia Research Locations

University of Catania

Department of Medicine and Surgery

San Matteo Hospital in Pavia

Complex Operating Unit of General Surgery

Cannizzaro Hospital in Catania

Clinicized Operating Unit of Bariatric Surgery

Marche Polytechnic University

Department of Medicine and Surgery

TOBESIA services will guarantee you an added value to the customer in terms of convenience, accessibility, timeliness of service intervention and safety.

Are you a Professional or a Researcher?

We are looking for professionals in the medical, sports and aesthetic fields. If you are interested in being a partner of the Tobesia project, contact us!

Do you want to board Tobesia?

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